I know they get nervous, and anxious, and probably a case of the bubble guts-as seen below:
But what they don't know is that I do too! I want them all to pass so badly. To begin the journey that I started so many years ago. I was just shy of my 19th birthday (and we won't discuss my current age) when I started...I basically grew up in EMS. I am so proud of my little ducklings. I don't remember when I started referring to them as my little ducklings...but it sort of fits. They follow me around for months then I push em out into the world. They appear calm- but we all know their little duck legs are paddling like mad underneath the water to learn all they can, to keep up, to find their way.
They come to the first day of class---well completely clueless. Then they begin to learn!! In such a short amount of time they learn a lifetime of skills! Even if they took the class for fun, or for fire, or on a dare- I know that they will use what they have learned for good and for their whole lives!! Even if it is criticizing the writers of all those EMS/Hospital dramas on TV. Welcome to your new world little duckies!! Have a BLAST!!
BTW- Here is what I look like when they pass!!
Wow that was cute and yes I was so damn nervous on my first day and days after that because I just knew i was not going to be able to digest a lot of things but it came and went like second nature...I just thank God up above for an instructor like you